Eagleland Environmental Consultants

About Us

Eagleland Environmental Consultants began operations in the late 1960's when Terrence Ingram needed a medium through which Bald Eagle and other Environmental Research could be conducted. For many years Mr. Ingram served as a consultant to Eagle Valley Environmentalists, The Eagle Foundation, and now the Eagle Nature Foundation. He has been the lead investigator for all of the Bald Eagle research which has been conducted by these organizations over the years. Besides Bald Eagle research he has conducted research for possible hike/bike trails and nature preserves; managed a bird banding station at Eagle Valley; and for over 20 years organized, directed and taught one week nature camps in Wisconsin and Canada, including Leadership Training Camps, Nature Awareness Camps, and for years offered college credit for a one week adult nature camp in the Bruce Peninsula in Ontario. He has also served on the Restoration Advisory Board for the closed Savanna Army Depot for over 15 years.


Eagleland Environmental Consultants is available for conducting any type of nature related research. We specialize in birds and their needed habitat which includes all of the native plants; trees and flowers, and the animals and insects which are an important part of their environment. If a bridge, strip mine, power plant, wind farm or development of any kind may potentially affect the habitat, we can help make a proper decision about the location of such development and offer possible alternatives to such a proposed project.

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Contact Us
Eagleland Environmental Consultants
8384 North Broadway Road
Apple River, IL 61001
Ph: 815-594-2592
Email: eaglenature.tni@juno.com