About Us
Apple Creek Farm Supply began as a farm equipment and machinery business in the mid-1960’s, featuring Berg barn cleaners and farm equipment. As the dairy farms disappeared from the area, the emphasis gradually shifted to other things such as film. Now we still offer many different items such as bird seed, bird houses and feeders as well as field guides and other nature books.
Apple Creek Wildlife Photography was started in the early 1960’s as demand for Mr. Ingram’s photographs grew and grew. He produced the 16 mm film “Eagle Country”, which was the program for the nation’s first Bald Eagle Days in 1967. For many years people looked to Apple Creek Wildlife Photography as a source for bald eagle photos and movies, which they could use for advertisements, promotions and political campaigns. He still offers slide, or power point, presentations for speaking engagements.
Our store is located at 300 East Hickory Street, Apple River, IL. When visiting there a person may pick up bird seed of most any kind and see the variety of bird houses and feeders on display. While in the store be sure to browse through the many field guides and nature books that are on display. If there is a particular book or bird house or bird feeder, which you would like to have, we will be able to get it for you in a short time.
We are also a dealer for Goldshield Elite handling many different health supplements as well as many seasonings, including cinnamon and vanilla.
Come into the store when we are open to see what we have to offer.