News Release

Eagle Nature Foundation, Ltd.

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For Immediate Release February 9, 2017

50/50 Raffle

Apple River) Terrence Ingram, President of the Eagle Nature Foundation (ENF), has just announced that ENF is conducting a 50/50 raffle to raise needed funds to cover the cost of their research to find out why the bald eagle population along the Mississippi River is declining. The tickets are $1 each. The drawing will be conducted on March 1st.

Anyone wishing to participate in this drawing should send a check or cash to the Eagle Nature Foundation, 300 East Hickory Street, Apple River, IL 61001 before March 1. Each dollar received before March 1st will purchase one ticket to be put into the drawing. At the present time over $500 has been received, so the 50/50 amount will definitely be greater than $250.

The Eagle Nature Foundation has been documenting the decline of the bald eagle in the Midwest for the past several years through its Annual Midwinter Bald Eagle Count. At the present time the Mid-western bald eagle population is lower than it was in the early 1960's. This is in spite of the government agencies stating how great the population is doing.

Some dams along the Mississippi which used to have over 600 bald eagles, now have only 10 or 20 birds. Some dams along the Mississippi River this winter have had only 1 or 2 bald eagles, if they have any at all. This is very disturbing! The bald eagle is our National Symbol and we surely don't want to see it disappear.

Help ENF keep our bald eagle flying. Your donations to this cause are critical.

For more information contact: Terrence N. Ingram, Exec. Director, Eagle Nature Foundation, 300 East Hickory St., Apple River, IL 61001 Phone 815-594-2306

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