News Release

Eagle Nature Foundation, Ltd.

300 East Hickory Street, Apple River, IL 61001

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For Immediate Release March 6, 2015

ENF Announces Spring Bird Seed Sale

Apple River, IL) The Eagle Nature Foundation (ENF) is planning to hold their Spring fund-raising bird seed sale on April 11, 2015. The proceeds from this bird seed sale help the organization pay for its day to day operating expenses, as ENF works to protect bald eagle habitat, wherever in the nation that it may be threatened; to find out why our bald eagle population that is wintering along the Mississippi River is crashing: and the education of our youth, as well as the general public, about the perils that the bald eagle and other endangered species are facing. These species are all facing loss of habitat due to our human population expansion and our modern destructive agricultural farming practices that are destroying woods and mowing fence rows and killing the insects and birds with their constant onslaught of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides from the ground and in the air. Providing feed for the birds during the year is one way everyone can help our feathered friends survive.

Persons interested in buying bird seed from ENF should contact ENF’s office for an order form, which lists the sizes, prices and varieties of seed that are available, including wild bird mix, black and striped sunflower, nyger thistle, safflower, cracked and ear corn, peanuts and suet. Plan now to get the bird feed you will need for the spring and summer. Just return your order form with your check before April 4, so ENF will have the seeds you want on hand. On April 11, come to 8384 North Broadway, Apple River, between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm and pick up your seeds. If you cannot pick up your seeds on that day, another date shortly after that date can be arranged.

For seed prices and an order blank, contact: ENF’s office, 300 East Hickory, St., Apple River, IL 61001 or call 815-594-2306. All seed orders must be postmarked before April 1.

For more information contact: Terrence N. Ingram, Exec. Director, Eagle Nature Foundation, 300 East Hickory St., Apple River, IL 61001 Phone 815-594-2306

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