News Release

Eagle Nature Foundation, Ltd.

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For Immediate Release November 27, 2013

ENF Announces Webcams on Website

Apple River, IL) The Eagle Nature Foundation (ENF) is proud to announce a new section on its web site, that allows viewers to see more than 10 different bald eagle webcams from across the nation, from Maine to Florida to Iowa to California. There are also two different very beautiful videos of bald eagles that people can watch on their own computers. Both of these sections can be found under the “Related Sites” on the home page of the ENF website.

Most of the webcams are from cameras which are mounted close to bald eagle nests. Because bald eagles nest at various times of the year in different parts of the country, there is nesting activity to be seen at one site or another for about 9 months of the year. Some sites show the eagles bringing in sticks, grass and moss to their nests while others will show the bald eagles laying eggs and incubating these eggs for 5 weeks, and then for 13 after the eggs hatch, the adults will be seen feeding the young. Once the eggs are laid there will be activity at that nest for at least 4 1/2 months. There is something exciting happening on most of the cams every day.

Some of the cams which ENF had featured on the web site in past years are no longer in use. Perhaps the nest was blown out of the tree, or the adults were killed, or the young died for some reason and the adults never came back to the nest again, or the sponsoring organization lost its needed funding. Adults and children looking at and weekly checking these webcams will gain a real awareness of the bald eagle and the survival problems the species is facing as a population. A year ago only 40% of the webcam nests were able to successfully fledge young eagles. After fledging some of the young were killed by electrocution, such as the two Decorah eaglets.

For more information contact: Terrence N. Ingram, Exec. Director, Eagle Nature Foundation, 300 East Hickory St., Apple River, IL 61001 Phone 815-594-2306

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